WEEK END x『川』スペシャルアイテム発売

この度、WEEK ENDは、スケートボードカルチャーをより深く、多くの人々に伝えるべく活動する撮影集団「川」とのコラボレーションアイテムを制作し、KAYA STORE(岐阜県中津川市かやの木町)にて販売いたします。


WEEK ENDでは、スケートボードそのものの様に自由で柔軟なスタイルで創作を続ける「川」とKAYA STORE代表の加藤大輔氏の活動に共感し、今回の取り組みをファーストコレクションとして、今後も彼らと様々な取り組みをする予定です。



WEEK ENDのアロマディフューザーに使用する専用の陶器プレートに、川のオリジナルロゴを刻印した限定モデルを制作しました。レーザー加工によって僅かに光沢の帯びたロゴは、家紋を思わせる独特の存在感を放ち、ディフューザーの金属筐体と美しく調和します。このスペシャルアイテムは、KAYA STOREで4月29日から限定販売されます。


川 / kawa について

HP: https://kawa-img.com/
Instagram: @kawa_img

2016年、2人のフォトグラファー荒川晋作と関川徳之により始まったプロジェクト。チーム名は両人の姓に共通する「川」の文字に由来する。十代の頃より変わらずスケートボードとカメラに没頭したままの生活を続けている。近年は釣竿も持ちながら、世に隠された「スポット」を求め津々浦々を流れる。自ら縫う和綴じで制作した「川の本」に始まり、2020 年からはおよそ半年に一冊のペースでオークラ出版より本をリリースし続けている。2023年3月には「川」5号目「野生」を出版。


KAYA STORE(カヤ ストア)について


Instagram: @kayastore_gifu



WEEK END Collaboration Launches

We are delighted to announce that a new collaborative item made with "川 / kawa," a photography group that works to communicate skateboard culture more deeply and widely to the public, will be launched in KAYA STORE.

川 / kawa is a project started by two photographers Shinsaku Arakawa and Noriyuki Sekikawa. They regard skateboarding as a symbol of creativity and have published their book series "川" which shows skaters in various regions with local streets and landscapes in Japan. The book has attracted people beyond the core skateboarding fans.

The activities of 川 / kawa and KAYA STORE, established by Daisuke Kato, which continue to create more freely and flexibly like skateboarding resonate with the values of WEEK END. Taking this opportunity as the first collection, we will be working with them, planning some activities and collaborations.


About Collaboration Item

We made a custom ceramic plate, on which 川's logo is engraved by laser, for WEEK END Aroma Diffuser as a limited edition model. The logo, which is slightly shiny due to laser processing, has a distinctive presence reminiscent of a Japanese family crest and blends beautifully with the diffuser's metal body. This special item will be exclusively available at KAYA STORE from April 29th.


About 川 / kawa

HP: https://kawa-img.com/
Instagram: @kawa_img

川 / kawa is a project started by two photographers Shinsaku Arakawa and Noriyuki Sekikawa in 2016. The name comes from the character "Kawa" which both share their last names. They have remained the same since their teenage years, immersed in skateboarding and photography. In recent years, they carry a fishing rod and travel from place to place in search of hidden "spots" in Japan. Starting with the "川の本 / Kawa no Hon," which they sewed themself using Japanese-style book binding, they have been releasing books in the series every six months since 2020 from Oakla Publishing Co. On March 2023, the fifth issue of "川" was published, titled "Wild".



Instagram: @kayastore_gifu

KAYA STORE opened in 2022 as a store selling skateboards, coffee, furniture, sundries, books, and apparel. They also have a studio where they design and make their own original furniture and interior goods. The store handles a selection of well-designed products and works of contemporary artists and ceramic artists selected by the owner, Daisuke Kato, and the staff. The shop actively promotes skateboarding by organizing skateboarding competitions and free trial lessons.

Address: 2723-52, Kayanoki-cho, Nakatsugawa, Gifu
Opening hours: 12:00 - 19:00
Parking: Available
